Deletion Strategy in Generalized λ-Resolution 广义λ-归结中的删除策略
Generalized fuzzy logic and lock semantic resolution principle 广义模糊逻辑和锁语义归结原理
According to generalized inverse theory and Backus-Gilbert inverse theory, singular value decomposition ( SVD) and Newton-generalized inverse matrix were used to analyze the optimization orientation. The resolution matrix and covariance matrix was deduced, which could describe inversion results reliability. 引入广义逆和Backus-Gilbert反演理论,构造了牛顿-广义逆方法和自然逆方法计算优化算法的搜索方向,进行河网糙率反演,并推导了两种算法反演解估计的分辨率矩阵和单位协方差矩阵。
The present paper covers the application of RUE-NRF resolution to a set of generalized clauses by proposing a generalized RUE-NRF resolution method, and a proof of the completeness of this method in first order logic. 本文将RUE-NRF归结使用在广义子句集上,提出了广义RUE-NRF归结方法,并证明了这一方法对于一阶逻辑的完备性;
As for generalized energy, expressions for generalized potential energy and generalized complementary energy can be obtained through the resolution of full work of internal force without the use of Lagrange multipliers. 在广义能量方面,本文不用拉格朗日乘子而直接通过内力全功的分解得到广义势能和广义余能的表达式。
All above is very meaningful to understand and use the generalized spatial resolution formula. 这对于更好地理解和运用广义空间分辨力计算公式具有重要的意义。
The article brings forward a kind of distributed and generalized spatial data engine ( SDE) expressed by semantic object models, based on the resolution of GML criterion and the frontier research of spatial data engine. 在解析GML规范与空间数据引擎前沿研究成果的基础上,提出了一种语义对象模式表达的分布式广义空间数据引擎(SDE)模型。
Meanwhile, A diagram explanation is given out, which shows the essential characteristic of the generalized spatial resolution. 与此同时,对广义空间分辨力概念进行了图形解释,揭示了其实质。
The third is the generalized triangle strip based data compression and multiresolution representation for simple triangle mesh. The single and multi resolution representations have same codec strategies in this method which is appropriate to the architecture of modern graphic process unit in personal computer. 第三,提出了基于广义三角形带的三角网格数据压缩和多分辨率表示方法,该方法可以充分发挥图形处理器的功能,统一了单分辨率和多分辨率三角网格的表示方法。
Generalized Multi-resolution Morphological Gradient Based Self-adaptive Single-phase Reclosure Scheme 基于广义多分辨形态学梯度的自适应单相重合闸方案
At last the results are generalized to the case for knotted composite curve boundary, therefore a complete resolution for computing the area bounded by composite polynomial curves is given. 该文还利用幂形式多项式的剖分方法,把结果推广到了一般的可打结的拼接曲线包围面积问题上,从而完整地给出了分段多项式曲线所包围面积的计算方法。
GENERALIZED RESOLUTION AND MINIMUM ABERRATION CRITERIA FOR S LEVEL FACTORIAL DESIGNS the low profit caused by the small scale of China's FDI; s-水平因析设计的广义分辨度和最小低阶混杂准则(英文)投资规模小,经济效益偏低;
A generalized semi-lock resolution 一种新的广义半锁归结
This paper proposes a concept of generalized λ-clause and introduces the generalized λ-resolution method. 在这篇论文中,提出了广义λ-子句的概念和引进了广义λ-归结方法。
In Boolean operator fuzzy logic, the generalized lock resolution is generalized complete if the same predicate symbols Rave the same index. 在布尔算子模糊逻辑中,当相同谓词符号配相同锁时,广义锁归结方法是广义完备的。
Generalized cross debugger for multiple targets GENERALIZED RESOLUTION On Multiple Questions 面向多目标机的交叉调试器的研究与设计
And the position and orientation can be obtained by modeling the kinematics in generalized coordination while the resolution speed of the model meets the need of real time control, it will be further used for compensating the errors of the machine tool. 当测量机构位姿正解求解速度满足实时控制要求时,利用该反馈信息对机床进行实时精度补偿和控制。
Program analysis and generalized resolution 程序分析与广义归结
In this paper, I discuss the generalized seismic imaging resolution theoretically and provide a quantitative estimation of seismic imaging resolution after making the definition of the resolution power and the resolution ratio. 据此在明确分辨力与分辨率的定义之后,从理论上对地震成像分辨率进行系统分析并给出了地震成像分辨率的定量计算式。
Lock of Generalized RUE-NRF Resolution 广义RUE-NRF归结的配锁
A Summary in Methodology of Generalized Quantification GENERALIZED RESOLUTION 广义量化分析综述
Then, the target signal classification matrix JPDA algorithm is presented. Furthermore, it is generalized to include the case of multi-sensors multi-targets JPDA algorithm, which can improve the tracking resolution of passive radar tracking multi-targets. 3. 在此基础上,提出了目标信号分类矩阵JPDA算法,并将该算法推广到多传感器多目标的JPDA算法中,提高被动雷达对多目标的分辨率。
Firstly, completing the arithmetic of resolution set according to the process of reasoning which is carried out by generalized resolution method. 首先,根据对与或句型假说使用广义归结方法进行演绎推理过程完成了归结集算法。